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BFW-Dokumentation 23/2016

BFW-Dokumentation 23/2016

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Michel, A.; Seidling, W. [Hrsg.]: Forest Condition in Europe 2016: Technical Report of ICP Forests Report under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP). 2016. 206 S.



ICP Forests is one of the most diverse programmes within the Working Group on Effects (WGE) under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP). To provide a regular overview of the major results of the programme, the Programme Co-ordinating Centre (PCC) of ICP Forests yearly invites all ICP Forests Expert Panels, Working Groups, and Committees to publish a comprehensive chapter on their most recent results in the annual ICP Forests Technical Report. This 2016 Technical Report presents results of the ICP Forests 2015 large-scale (Level I) and 2014 intensive (Level II) forest monitoring from up to 32 of the 42 countries participating in ICP Forests. It focuses on: - a description of the monitoring and research infrastructure of ICP Forests; - tree crown condition and damage causes in 2015 including trend analyses; - the spatial variation of atmospheric throughfall deposition in forests in Europe in 2014; - the spatial and temporal distribution of ozone symptoms across Europe from 2002 to 2014; - the water, soil, and foliage ring tests within the quality assurance and control programme to guarantee the comparability of the analytical results between different laboratories; - a description of the ICP Forests Level I biodiversity data on plant species and structural diversity in European forest ecosystems. This year all ICP Forests Expert Panels, Working Groups, and Committees have additionally provided a concise description of their latest activities and outcomes in their specific field of study. The report also includes numerical results and national reports of the 2015 national crown condition survey in the participating countries. It contains information on the 4th ICP Forests Scientific Conference in Ljubljana in May 2015 and lists all 48 ICP Forests projects ongoing for at least one month between June 2015 and May 2016 and 28 scientific publications between January 2015 and May 2016 for which ICP Forests data and/or the ICP Forests infrastructure were used. For additional maps, tables, figures, and contact information of persons responsible, please refer to the extensive annex at the end of this report.